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The Missing Superpower That Changes Everything!

To mark Superhero Day, watch this short comic book clip!
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Can you afford to ignore this easy way to increase productivity by 60%

The World Economic Forum predicts that in the next two years, 5 million jobs will have been lost across 12 developed nations as a result of increased automation and robotisation. But, the International Labour Organisation is less conservative in their estimation; they state that across places like Cambodia, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand, 137 million jobs will be lost as a result of the robotisation of the garment industry alone. That equates to an epic 56% of the workforce.
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Surviving A VUCA World – Is The Focus On Wellbeing Too Little Too Late?

The World Economic Forum predicts that in the next two years, 5 million jobs will have been lost across 12 developed nations as a result of increased automation and robotisation. But, the International Labour Organisation is less conservative in their estimation; they state that across places like Cambodia, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand, 137 million jobs will be lost as a result of the robotisation of the garment industry alone. That equates to an epic 56% of the workforce.
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How To Develop Managers In the Age of The Job Hopper

Job hopping was once perceived much more negatively by recruiters than it is in today’s employment market. Any applicant whose CV listed lots of jobs over a short period would probably set alarm bells ringing for potential employers. Frequent and short periods of employment would have led most recruiters to at least question how well the applicant was able to integrate into their previous companies, or how well they coped with their work, or how loyal they were. Indeed, back then, the prospect of hiring and developing a job hopper would have been considered a ‘high risk’ decision.
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Why the GROW Model Doesn’t Drive Organisational Change

Popularised in the late 80’s by John Whitmore et al, the GROW model is still cited as one of the most popular and most recognisable coaching tools in the world. This simple, sequential coaching approach often forms the most basic instruction of any new Coach. But despite its enduring popularity, we still haven’t seen coaching break out in a way that transforms behaviour change at an organisational level. Indeed even when organisational commitment to creating a coaching culture is strong many coaching initiatives fall flat. As a result, organisational confidence in the ability of coaching to affect real change drops, making it much harder to sustain interest and attract future investment. So what is going wrong? Has the GROW model outlived its usefulness in organisations?
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How To Improve Retention by 50%

Attractive salary packages, good terms and conditions, career development and opportunities to learn may be sufficient to entice people to join a new organisation, but these things alone are not enough to stop them from leaving. According to a Gallup Survey, the relationship people have with their Managers can determine whether they stay or leave. So, if organisations don’t pay attention to the relationships their Managers have with their employees, they risk doubling their employee turnover.
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