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Middle managers as change agents: unlocking organizational agility and sustaining high performance from the middle out
With less money and fewer people, businesses must improve their efficiency and productivity to remain competitive.
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How To Get Closer To Your Team – Without Overstepping The Line
Love is in the air, what with Valentine’s Day coming up. It’s not just your relationships with your partner, family and friends that count.
How To Protect Your Time (And Well-Being) As A Leader
Avoid providing all the answers, or mentally trawling your own mind for solutions- the mental load from constant decision-making is immense.
Why we should learn to love our middle managers
Middle managers are grossly undervalued by their organisations and consequently attract gross underinvestment. How to show your appreciation.
Entrepreneur Middle East February 2024
You're lying awake at night again, the big red numbers on the clock strike 3am for the third time this week- and it's only Tuesday.
How to Get Rid Of That Groundhog Day Feeling
Feel stuck in one place at work? Is every day exactly the same, and do you feel like nothing you do matters?
Find out how to make a change...
3 Powerful Questions To Ask Your Boss To Get Promoted
So, you want a promotion. You know you deserve one. How do you go about making it happen?
The end of accidental managers?
28% of workers reported quitting their role because of a poor manager, and of managers themselves, a staggering 50% suffer from burnout.
Isn’t It Time To End The Line Manager Lottery?
Listen to Stuart Comer, Director of Talent and People Development at Sainsbury's PLC, delve into a huge challenge for businesses: the Line Manager Lottery.
The Impact of Embracing New Ideas
Listen to this inspirational clip of Professor Martin Green OBE sharing his insights on the importance of embracing new ideas and their impact on organisations.
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