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Middle managers as change agents: unlocking organizational agility and sustaining high performance from the middle out
With less money and fewer people, businesses must improve their efficiency and productivity to remain competitive.
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Are you a Frankenstein manager? It could be disengaging your team
There are Frankenstein managers in every workplace – maybe you’ve met one during your own career or you could be one yourself.
Moving From Command & Control to Coaching & Collaboration
The very act of asking questions encouraged engagement in the answers. This in turn was giving them a higher level of certainty.
Avoid the Curse of the Mummy Manager: Unwrapping the Outdated Practices Holding You Back
As managers, we’re wrapped up with scraps of experiences we’ve picked up throughout our careers, in the hopes they’ll help us lead our teams.
Beware the vampire boss: are you draining your team’s energy?
Managers who, much like their fanged counterparts, inadvertently drain the life and energy out of their teams.
How can leaders retain their ‘looking to leave’ talent?
Brightest talent eyeing the exit? You might not be as good a manager as you think, argue the authors of The Answer is a Question.
Horrible Leaders: Know A Frankenstein, Ghost Or Vampire Manager?
Unfortunately, however, there is also a much darker breed of narcissist: the vampires. Their narcissism is a real personality disorder.
Best of HR books: October 2024
If employees generate solutions to their own problems, they will be better engaged, and managers will get a whopping 20% of their time back.
How to stand out when you work from home and boost your promotion chances
Finding ways to be more visible to your employer can increase your chances of landing a promotion
No Learner Left Behind
Discover more about Mission Control's mantra ‘NO LEARNER LEFT BEHIND’.
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