Notion’s STAR® Coach is a multi-award-winning online development programme that teaches leaders and managers how to coach in the flow of work. By learning how to embed a coaching mindset, managers and leaders develop the skills to stop their habitual behaviour and instead ask powerful questions that stimulate deeper levels of reflection from their team members.

How is this achieved? By enabling managers to incorporate Operational Coaching® into their everyday management style… a skillset that has been academically proven to increase employee engagement, retention, productivity and the performance of teams.

STAR® Coach is built for busy schedules… think of it as learning in snack-sized bites. It can be completed any time, any place, anywhere and on any device… as long as there’s an internet connection. The programme can be started immediately, completed in as little as 3 months and learners gain an international certification in the process.

There’s no onerous paperwork or assessments, and we don’t waste time with theory, most of the learning can be easily integrated into the working day. Just 2 x 30-minute slots per week will generate a measurable change in your manager’s skills.




3 Months


approx. 45-mins to 1-hour

(scheduled whenever it's convenient for you)


APMG international certification

Learners have 6 months to complete the programme from registration date

You Need This!
"For any leader or manager in business, you need this! The variety of tasks keeps the learning interesting, the tutors are all very knowledgeable and offer great nuggets of information. It has truly changed the way I think about leadership, for the better!"
Nick Pointer
Improved Relationships
"This programme has really helped me explore how I work and identify ways in which I can improve my relationships with colleagues to foster an inclusive and productive work environment."
Happier Team
"The STAR® programme has helped me become a vastly better manager. I always had excellent operational knowledge but this has linked well with those skills to help me get the same excellence from the rest of my team. The team are happier and have clear development goals and are achieving them too!"
Lance Omsky
Easily Fits Into Your Working Life
"The beauty of this programme is that it easy to fit within busy working lives. A commitment of half an hour a week will allow you to progress through the programme and the missions ensures that learning from those sticks with you."
Amino Communications
Changing Mindsets
"I was never comfortable in managing people, but changing my mind set to see it as a coaching opportunity really opened my eyes and has helped me and the business develop."
Jack Cooledge, Bespoke Drywall Ltd.
A 'Must Have'
"The STAR® model is THE most effective way to gain trust, encourage engagement, and develop confidence and a sense of ownership with your employees. It is a life skill that will benefit you as a manager at work and in your relationships outside the office. A must for a happy, healthy and productive life!"
Karen Pierce, KMP Consultants
Best Thing That's Happened To Me
"I have transitioned from a being a technical expert to manager and this training has been the best that happened to me in my new role. It has not only given me the tools to do my job well, but is an impactful way to support employee development by giving them all the tools and resources they need to do their job well to achieve team objectives."
Ousman Secka, Head of Laboratory Management (Gambia)
More Engaged Team
"My team are more engaged and taking responsibility for moving projects forward. I have noticed that more people are now saying "ooo that's a good question" to me! And I love this response!"
Head of Talent and Educational Development

What is STAR® Coach?

This programme includes 10 online modules, each 20-45 minutes long, plus workplace missions and live fortnightly masterclasses. The modules are focused on developing YOU and YOUR management style. Each module has a variety of activities to complete and all include a workplace ‘Mission’ to embed the learning, followed by a guided reflection exercise. This continuous Learn, Do, Review method is the secret to the programme’s success.

It's about YOU!

You’ll learn:

✦  About the different ‘helping styles’, where coaching fits and why it works

✦  Why asking questions delivers better, longer-term results than telling or advising

✦  About Notion’s STAR Coaching Model®

✦  How to use triggers to stop your habitual responses to situations

✦  How to ask more insightful and powerful questions

✦  How to listen actively, and intuitively

✦  How to gain commitment from others and to follow-up on the actions they agree

Programme Features

This is not an average e-learning programme! Instead, it’s a fabulous, exciting and engaging experience that really increases management capabilities… and it’s also a lot of fun. One way this is achieved is by incorporating a wide range of activities across the blend. 

Click the buttons to learn more about each activity.

What's Included in the Programme?

STAR® Coach is a fully supported experiential development programme and not bits of ad hoc e-learning stuck together.

In addition to the online content, learners get invitations to fortnightly masterclasses with some of the world’s most experienced tutors as well as full programme management support with our dedicated Mission Control Team. 

Their mission is your success.

Detailed below are the elements included within the programme.

10 modules of interactive content containing a blend of 18 different learning activity types

A number of different recorded Programme Assessments

Programme Success Tracker

Dedicated telephone and email support from the Mission Control Team during office hours (Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm UK)

Fortnightly Masterclasses with a Notion Tutor (attendance is optional)

Workplace Missions and Learning Log Reflection exercises

Programme PDF Toolkit

Level 3 Award in STAR® Operational Coaching®

Some Genuine Success Stories...

I am now helping my team to unlock their own potential. I am not just taking over and doing it myself and adding to my work load. As a result, I feel less stressed because I am helping individuals to solve problems and not taking them on myself.

I recently had a difficult conversation with a team member. Normally this type of conversation would have ended in me getting fairly angry, however, the tools learnt throughout the STAR® programme enabled me to actively listen and be much more constructive which resulted in a far better outcome for both of us.”

Working across two teams in my organisation I asked questions to find a better strategic solution about how we could automate a previously manual process. The result to date has saved us 600 hours, which equates to 20% of the total FTE of one department and allowed us to move 3 team members onto much higher value tasks.”

By asking insightful questions and engaging team members in discussions around decision making, I have started to get to know the team better and can see them more as potential allies in working towards a streamlined and effective service. By unleashing the potential within the team I can already see them take more ownership. The team is benefiting from personal and professional development and my time is freed up to think about future initiatives rather than always playing catch up, and the organisation benefits from having a happier and more effective team, leading to more robust and dependable services.”

I am using the skills to have weekly Operational Coaching® conversations with my sales team to specifically help them increase their closing rates. This has led to increased revenue this month of £100,000.” 

The key success for me has been the time I have managed to create in my own schedule by coaching the members of my teams to take more responsibility for finding solutions to problems and taking ownership of next steps.”

Rather than ‘spoon-feeding’ the next steps, we are now moving towards the members of the team proactively taking responsibility and bringing potential solutions to me.

Next Steps...

We’d love to talk to you and share with you more information about STAR® Coach. Simply click one of the two buttons below to learn more…