Can you Afford to Ignore this Easy and Proven Way to Drive Up Productivity?

Back in 2016, The Office of National Statistics stated that there was a ‘significant correlation between management practices and labour productivity’ reporting that each 0.1% increase in their “management score” is associated with a 9.6% increase in productivity.

At that time, Phillip Hammond, who was the serving Chancellor of the Exchequer blamed poor performing managers for the £84 billion productivity gap.

Later in 2019, the CBI would go on to release a report which indicated that just a 7% improvement in management performance could unlock up to £110bn of untapped potential for the UK economy.

Since then, the world has been at war with Covid and as a direct consequence of the pandemic, the Bank of England has stated that firms anticipate a large reduction in ‘within-firm’ productivity and, in the long run, reduced productivity growth.

Seemingly, despite the available data and perhaps partly due to the catastrophic events of the last 18 months, the productivity problem is still alive and well and the spotlight is still shining on leaders and managers across the UK to be the solution.

There’s a lot at stake; organisations that want to successfully recover from the impact of the pandemic and continue to grow must act fast to increase management capability and drive productivity up.

A herculean challenge?

We don’t think so!

Here’s the PROVEN bit…

Over the past two decades we’ve been helping clients, most of whom are household names and feature in the FTSE 500, to improve engagement, performance and productivity in their organisations by equipping them with the skills they need to adopt an Operational CoachingTM approach to leadership.

Our programmes have transformed leader and manager behaviour in a way that improves innovation, ownership and accountability which has a direct impact on productivity.

Some of the typical results we’ve seen, include:



Quicker problem solving

£4 million

Quicker project delivery

£1 million

Better issue resolution


Better negotiation

€1-2 million

Lower annual sickness


More efficient processes

11% Increase YOY

“Just one striking example resulted in increased revenue of £250,000 for the company contributing to an early return on investment of 5 times the entire programme cost.”
HR Director, National Express

Since the launch of our award-winning online management development programme, STAR® Manager, we’ve been able to help our clients deliver results like these faster, more easily, and more flexibly than ever.

STAR® Manager is a game-changer that has now been scientifically PROVEN to achieve uplifts in productivity within just a few months.

In 2020, the UK Government and the London School of Economics put STAR® Manager at the centre of the largest trial of its kind to investigate how adopting Operational CoachingTM as a leadership style can drive productivity.

Leaders and managers from 62 organisations across England were recruited on to the six-month trial which coincided with unprecedented global economic turmoil.

Despite this, the trial successfully demonstrated that having access to the STAR® Manager programme led to greater adoption of coaching-related behaviours that drive performance and productivity.

An extensive analysis of the trial results included a number of statistically significant outcomes including increases in 9 management and coaching competencies, time spent coaching (up by 70%) and a documented £19 million of potential benefits which equates to an average learner ROI of 74 times.

As a new and distinct management style, Operational CoachingTM has been shown to generate changes in management behaviours that can lead to increases in productivity, performance and engagement across all sectors.

And, now for the EASY bit…

STAR® Manager has been designed with ‘easy’ in mind.

The programme is fully blended and completely virtual and can be completed without any downtime. Learners can work through the programme in short, bite-sized chunks and complete workplace missions in real-time to ensure that the learning is reinforced and immediately translated into real results in the workplace.

In under four months, leaders and managers can learn to incorporate Operational CoachingTM behaviours into their everyday leadership style and make lasting changes to the way they interact with others. By regularly addressing day-to-day, ‘matter at hand’ situations using an Operational CoachingTM approach, they can encourage greater levels of resilience, self-reliance, confidence and trust between employees, which ultimately turns into an increase in overall productivity.

That’s why STAR® Manager was carefully designed so that it can be easily scaled up to thousands of learners, in a very cost-effective way, while still meeting the individual needs of the manager.

Moreover, when STAR® Manager is scaled up it can help organisations reach that all-important tipping point that changes the prevailing culture of the organisation resulting in long-term and sustainable productivity.

Can you really afford to ignore this easy way to drive up productivity in your organisation?

STAR® is already making a difference in the financial and professional services sector, in retail, hospitality, logistics and in academia. Could it make a difference to productivity in
your organisation too?

All you have to do is take one simple step and find out for yourself.

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We’d love to team up with strategic partners to help achieve our vision of transforming 1 million STAR® managers by 2025.

We partner with organisations all over the world, combining our unique experiences to create mutually beneficial and collaborative relationships. If you’d like to explore teaming up with us on this journey please do say hello and we’ll schedule an informal call.