Take a voyage through the Award-Winning Management Development Programme STAR® Manager

The award-winning STAR® Manager is a blended & fully virtual management development programme designed to improve management capability. Through the development of STAR® Operational CoachingTM behaviours, managers and leaders make lasting changes to the way they interact with everyone around them.

Scientifically proven to deliver greater levels of resilience, creativity, self-reliance, confidence and trust between managers and employees the programme shifts the prevailing management approach of your organisation to more of a ‘coaching style’ in everyday operational situations, and contributes to an increase in overall engagement, productivity and a culture of continuous performance improvement.

With an outstanding track record of delivering embedded behavioural change and outstanding commercial results of up to 74X ROI, the STAR® Manager programme helps every team in your organisation step up and deliver truly transformational results.

Take a sneak
peek at this
‘teaser video’

Real benefits from real clients

The constant application of ‘coaching related behaviours’ is the magic combination needed to really unlock capability. The STAR® programme is the key to the lock.
It is proven to be a highly effective way of developing individual and organisational performance. Here are just a few of the benefits it constantly delivers:

Helps managers get the most from their teams

Boosts employee engagement

Increases retention

Develops high performing workplaces

Builds personal and organisational resilience

Drives commercial performance


This is a fabulous, exciting and engaging journey that really increases managers’ capabilities… and it’s also a lot of fun. One way this is achieved is by incorporating a wide range of activities across the blend

Interactive drama videos are built into the journey where the learner makes decisions to help some of the managers at a company called ‘Rocket’.

There are 18 different activities across the programme blend, here are just 10 examples. Click on each icon to learn more

It’s also designed for any time, any place, any device!

You can work through the programme, at your own pace… in a ‘cohort size’ of one, or in a predefined cohort of any size of peers or even as part of an ‘open programme’ joined by other organisations.

Take a tour through the STAR® Manager programme


Here are just a few of the comments people are making about the STAR® programme

Meet the world’s best TUTORS

One of the challenges of moving from a successful workshop based programme to a fully virtual one was figuring out how to achieve the same results without the presence of the world’s best tutors who lead all our programmes.
So we found a way of incorporating their amazing expertise into the STAR® programme. Every module has at least one dynamic and fun master-class… and of course you can also meet them, via video conference, by joining a Live Learning Station and the Learning Circles.


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