5 Ways to Engage Academic Colleagues in Learning and Management Development
The following is a session delivered at the UHR: Universities Human Resources annual conference.
Watch the videos of the session as we share the secrets to the 5 ways you can design your programmes to excite and engage your academic colleagues into wanting to become better people managers alongside their teaching and research roles.
You’ll hear a case study based on academic research that was conducted on behalf of the UK Government and evaluated by LSE, as well as insights from academics themselves on how 5 specific factors led to their engagement in the programme.
In this post-pandemic world, we urgently need to ‘rehumanise management’ and change the way we engage with everyone at work. If you’ve ever struggled to excite your academic colleagues to want to develop their management and leadership skills these videos will show you exactly how to turn this around.
Watch this 2-minute video introducing the session and the guest academics.
Watch this 15-minute video where Laura Ashley-Timms discusses the academic study into the STAR® programme.
Watch this 11-minute video of the Q&A.