Poor employee engagement is having a dramatic impact on the performance of organisations across the world. According to a Gallup survey, 87% of people are not engaged at work.1 This pandemic is contributing to a worldwide productivity crisis and killing innovation at a time when it is needed most.
As a result, organisations are facing increasing pressure to significantly improve employee engagement, but, all too often, they find that their managers lack the skills to help them to do so.
However, this isn’t a problem that needs a complicated solution. In our experience, there are two ‘MUST HAVE SKILLS’ that managers can learn in order to dramatically improve employee engagement, innovation and productivity in their teams.
We can show you that by simply
Asking Powerful Questions and Listening Effectively
it’s possible for managers to
The best way organisations can improve employee engagement, innovation and productivity is to equip their managers with the skills they need to enable their teams to be more resourceful and empowered. This means relinquishing control and taking more of an Enquiry-Led Approach (ELA®) to leadership; asking powerful questions and listening attentively in order to help others to release their full potential.
For almost two decades, we have been working with clients, most of whom are household names and feature in the FTSE 500, proving how using ELA® can transform commercial results and massively improve social capital in organisations. Our programmes revolutionise organisations by transforming leader and manager behaviour in a way that helps them to increase employee engagement and harness the creativity and productivity of people in their teams.
We can now deliver these results faster and more flexibly than ever before with our revolutionary, 100% virtual, fully blended management development programme STAR® Manager.
Organisations that have launched STAR® Manager are seeing a 63% increase in better questions being asked more frequently and a 73% improvement in the way people listen within just a few months.
STAR® Manager is a game-changer and has already proven that managers can achieve massive uplifts in employee engagement, innovation and productivity when they use these essential skills.
STAR® is making a difference in the financial and professional services sector, in retail, hospitality, logistics and in academia. What would happen in your organisation if managers asked powerful questions and listened more effectively?
1 https://www.gallup.com/services/190118/engaged-workplace.aspx
Notion is a global expert in behaviour change and coaching. To learn more about how STAR® Manager can help improve employee engagement, innovation and productivity in your organisation, call us now to book a complimentary consultation or call us for an informal chat on +44(0) 1926 889 885.