Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the UK ‘will bounce back’ but with more than one in five bosses believing that COVID-19 poses a ‘high’ or ‘severe’ threat to their companies, how easy will this be?
How will you bounce back?
One way to make sure that you can bounce back from the Coronavirus crisis is to equip your managers with the skills they need to navigate the immense changes happening all around them.
Whilst it might feel counterintuitive to carry on with your training plans it’s a sure-fire way to ensure that your managers will emerge from the crisis stronger than before.
After all, we are asking our managers to deal with a brand new paradigm which requires a brand new skill set and they will need support to develop those skills.
Past management training is unlikely to have equipped them with the skills they need, so this is a good time to review what will help your managers to address the new challenges they’re facing and critically how they can access that learning from afar.
Traditional management practices will fail our managers; what they need now, more than ever before, is an enquiry-led approach to leadership which helps them to wade through the unknown, the unforeseeable and the uncertain.
With a more curious, questioning approach they will be able to dismiss unoriginal responses to change and identify new and more innovative approaches that are more aligned to the size and scale of the challenge. They will also be able to use enquiry to communicate with people in a way that keeps them engaged and helps them continue to contribute despite the overwhelming levels of change they are experiencing.
We’ve spent decades working with clients, helping them to develop this enquiry-led approach to leadership and we’ve seen astonishing results. Even through major change programmes, managers have been able to deliver increases in productivity, performance and engagement as well as incredible uplifts in creativity and innovation.
If you wait until the crisis is over to develop your managers, they might be tired, drained and overwhelmed by the road ahead, but if you’ve built up their confidence and their capability to succeed during the crisis, they’ll come out fighting.
The faster your managers can acquire these skills the easier it will be for them to bounce back.
If you are wondering how to achieve this during lockdown then why not check out our award-winning, 100% virtual management development programme STAR® Manager.
LEARN MORE ABOUT STAR® MANAGER REQUEST A FREE DEMO OF STAR® MANAGER… or simply drop us your name in the form below and we’ll call you back.
Stay well,
Best wishes
Notion is a global expert in management development. For more information about how STAR® Manager can help you bounce back do visit the dedicated website,, or call us for an informal chat on +44(0) 1926 889 885.