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Middle managers as change agents: unlocking organizational agility and sustaining high performance from the middle out
With less money and fewer people, businesses must improve their efficiency and productivity to remain competitive.
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The Quick and Easy Way to Transform Organisational Productivity
Could a new and distinct management approach help you to drive up productivity in your organisation? Read the article to find out
Are You Hanging Your Managers Out to Dry?
Have your managers ever really learned how to be managers? The answer to this question could change your fortunes. Read the article for more…
Is Your Manager Stimulating Your Thinking? – Poll Results
Read the article to find out the results of our poll where we asked you: How often does your line manager ask you powerful questions that stimulate YOUR thinking?
3 Crucial Ways Operational Coaching® Underpins Agile Behaviours
90% of senior executives give high priority to becoming agile but less than 10% see themselves as being highly agile. So what’s going wrong - read the article to find out
What Can Retailers Do To Improve Retention And Increase Engagement?
Retail Leaders - do you want to improve retention and increase engagement in your organisation? Read our article to find out how
5 Things You MUST Consider Before Turning Your Management Training Back On
If the pandemic has put a stop to your management training plans, here’s why you should put it back on the top of your agenda.
Isn’t It Time We Stopped Talking About Coaching?
Not getting the results from coaching that you expected?
Perhaps, it’s time to stop talking about coaching as you currently know it, and doing something different that really gets results.
Notion Launches Digital Badges With Credly
Exciting news!
We've just launched digital badges in association with Credly, a digital credentials company that work with world-leading training providers to help them unleash the potential of their learners through verified digital credentials.
How To Win The War For Talent
The war for talent is on. Are you ready? Read the article to find out what actions you can take to win the war.
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